So one of our students happens to own a factory, for which I’ve already shown you a few pictures (down …

A collection of essays centered on Asia, highlighting various cross sections of society
So one of our students happens to own a factory, for which I’ve already shown you a few pictures (down …
Random guy pictures from my time in China in absolutely no particular order. My favorite place to play, complete …
When I made the decision to put “no Mickey D’s” as one of my ten New Years Resolutions I hadn’t …
Nintendo’s biggest new IP, Splatoon, features squids who can turn into humans (or humans into squids) as they blast each …
On a personal note, one thing I’ve noticed since traveling abroad is that home base centers on Eastern Standard Time. …
Pictures from around China.
Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan. Eating pig knuckle, up Baiyun Mountain, playing soccer, bamboo forests, smog, and of course a smattering of KTV (karaoke.)
So I’ve seen on more than a few occasions parents on their phones while their children are just kinda staring …
Language. There is no more powerful tool. Cliché. There is no more annoying tool. The reason I’m typing this right …